Steel Toe Work Boots – the Foot Safety Solution
By: Larry Mundson
Work hazards are increasing by the day, not just due to factors that cause pollution and breathing disorders: in fact the
most workers are required to venture into different fields of work often due to the changing nature of a firm’s business.
The dangers are most of the time anticipated and protective gear has been converted into mandatory uniforms in such
areas, where work hazards are common. One such product that offers a lot of protections are the steel toe work boots.
These steel toe work boots are not just limited to workers encountering possible work related hazards; instead steel
toe work boots are becoming increasingly fashionable. This has primarily been facilitated due to the intense
competition between the manufactures of steel toe work boots. The results being that they are available in a lot of
different models and colors. Lately companies have manufactured specially designed steel toe boots that appeal to
female workers too.
Now what exactly are a steel toe work boots? What enables them to generate so much appeal amongst industries that
face work hazards? The answer lies in the make, protection and the comfort offered by steel toe work boots. These
are basically durable boots that have protective reinforcement for the toe coupled along with a sole plate – these
attributes enable the feet to be protected from falling as well as rolling objects and punctures from below.
Traditionally this reinforcement would be made out of steel but nowadays other form of composite material and
plastics like thermoplastic polyurethane are increasingly used. However this very steel based protective reinforcement
has caused a safety myth to go around the markets i.e. the steel reinforcement can act as a blade and cut the toes off
when a significant weight falls on it. They reason why this form of reasoning remains a myth is because if such a
weight where to fall an amputation would either way be necessary. One may wonder what weight they are referring to.
Good quality steel toe work boots have even proved to be able to comfortably negotiate heavy weights during
situations such as supporting the edge of a car, a car running over a boot etc. This demonstrates that steel toe work
boots are safe and only unusually extraordinary weights can pose to be a problem.
Modern steel toe work boots also provide ample ankle protection, resistance to wood saws, insulation against
electricity, good traction etc. They are even able to strike a perfect balance between toughness and comfort – these
are mainly facilitated by the use of cushioned forefoot and heel strike zones.
Conclusively steel toe work boots are very much a necessity in today’s dangerous work environments and their
applications have not just been limited to the industrial sector. This is very evident because geologists, trekking
obsessed tourists, security personnel and the military have also increasing started to use this safety feature.
Work hazards are increasing by the day, not just due to factors that cause pollution and breathing disorders: in fact the
most workers are required to venture into different fields of work often due to the changing nature of a firm’s business.
The dangers are most of the time anticipated and protective gear has been converted into mandatory uniforms in such
areas, where work hazards are common. One such product that offers a lot of protections are the steel toe work boots.
These steel toe work boots are not just limited to workers encountering possible work related hazards; instead steel
toe work boots are becoming increasingly fashionable. This has primarily been facilitated due to the intense
competition between the manufactures of steel toe work boots. The results being that they are available in a lot of
different models and colors. Lately companies have manufactured specially designed steel toe boots that appeal to
female workers too.